Sunday, April 29, 2012

I cut my hair, think 5 inches? Hair dresser asked me how long since my last cut. :/
During CNY? quite recent kay! anyway, should have cut it even shorter D: like really short short, shoulder length? Boo boo to not long not short hair!

You will take what you give

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


First day of school and I'm all stressed up already. "I won't be a good nurse, I will never be a good nurse, what can I do to be a good nurse?" Have been chanting this since the lecture. Final year project, individuals reports, reflections, pre & post PRCP drug test, 7skills test, upcoming 6months long attachment. Long way more to go Illene, long way more. I'm so demoralised after buying all our lecture notes. Its too thick. TOO THICK. They just squeezed the other half of the sem modules to this sem. DOUBLE MODULE. Shouldn't them do the same for year 1 & 2? So we'll only nee a 2 year diploma course? ): awww man!

Damn stress rn that I feel like giving up. Full of regrets rn. I know I don't have the right to regret rn, I chose this. ): but this is not how I expected it to be ): ragh, just wish me luck okay? I need loads of them (:

Talking to my sis, she just told me that we wanna major on Medicine. Like :O *jawdrops hahaha! She wants to go into medical field too! Har! Too bad, she took Humanities for the A's so now she didn't even meet the min entry requiremt -____- Another dream shattered. Nevermind! I was all thinking about another route, another future, another dream, just another thing for me to think about... Like baking? How about becoming a pastry chef??!! Like those you know, go to Paris, learn some skill there & open a cafe with girlfriends/sis! Who knows she loves baking too! :D

Still deciding to open the shop at SG, Jakarta/Tungkal! Ahahha okay enough nonsense dream. Back to reality...


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rainbow cookies.

Let's bake red velvet cupcake next time :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another failed Macarons

Source: via Mollie on Pinterest

Let's not talk about it, I'm almost there. Just over spin meringue. D:


Monday, April 9, 2012

Jordan baby!

I have the urge to change for a new hairstyle ): 
cut it short, curl it color it I don't care, I need a change! 

Sorry for not updating D:
I'm so bored. just so so bored D: another 1hr 13 min I'll be going out to the sea & swim again.
With all the rubbish & shits! The water is brown/yellow/muddy? 
Idk, just yucky & salty! Blek!

Anyway I added a Cbox at the side, Idk for what. Haha but do say Hi! :)