Monday, February 27, 2012

Christmas Gift Exchange 2011 :)

 The unwanted gifts were the chocolate & hello kitty one. Bahahaha! 
 Kang rui is max fugly here. Hahahah! 
 Vodka w Redbull (Y)
 Mond Mond is so cute here :3 
I love steamboat session with them, I love drinking session with them.
The place where we all can laugh as loud as we can! Hahaha! I love them so much, so so much.
Yup, call us the dinker or what? the drinking group? Hahahha, we only drink during occasions.
The reset of the days up to you to join, its yourself, do not label us.
I cannot stop laughing at the videos! Hahahahahhahahaha! 
I know sherlyn the stalker must be LOL tooooo! :b

Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Year's Eve!

 The Brownie
 The honey-something something cereal?

All of us love this! It's damn yummmmmy! 
I swear! :D 
Look at that disgusting stuff on this plate! Hahaha! 
Spent New Year's with them, I don't know what happen to the sleep over plan
If I'm not wrong cause some of them just blew us off? D: What to do?
Anyway, just enjoy the vid, its so funnnnny!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oreoooo Cheesecake! :D

Hahaha! Tried the non-bake oreo cheesecake last night. So fun! :D
Feel like sharing this with my friends ): but no, its not for me, its for club 125. ohwells.
There are 5 different layers if you can see it properly. hahaha! 

Ichiban sushiii!

Guess what, its not worth it to have buffet, ala carte is so much bettttttttter! :D
So nicky& kally, next time we should got Ichiban's Ala Carte kay?!

Friday, February 24, 2012

That's what friends are for.

Christmas BBQ with psychotic peopleeeeeeeee @ Cybil's 
The drunkards. Hahaha! They drink breezer and were so redddddddd already!
Breezer tasted like ermm soda to me! LOL
little shout out for johonathan, "happy birthday!"